    +39 3356611627

Latest news

About us

The Club has been founded at the beginning of the 60s, the same time as the Euratom research centre, now the Joint Research Centre (JRC), when the original members, wives of the first Commission employees in Ispra, started to meet and organise a club to socialize and integrate.

The Club today has about 700 members from different countries, linked to the JRC, the European School of Varese and the territory and organizes cultural and recreational activities that promote the integration and socialization.

The Club Europeo is an officially registered association with a statute approved by the General Assembly of its members.
Its registered office is in the C.C.R. of Ispra, Via Esperia, c/o Club House.

It's mission

The Club was founded to promote integration and to foster social contact of members of different nationalities, cultures and languages.

To this end, the Club develops a range of activities, both cultural and recreational, to provide opportunities for contact and integration.

The Club's activities are in no way influenced by politics, religion or race.

The Club's activities are never organised on a profit-making.

Club activities

The Club organises:
  • Language courses
  • Courses for kids
  • Cultural and social meetings
  • Conferences, Presentations, Seminars
  • Trips and excursions to places of historical-cultural interest, exhibitions, etc.
  • Shows Alla Scala, Theater, Concerts, Musicals, etc.
  • Cultural and recreational activities for adults and children
The Club is Founder and Supporter of Milano per la Scala 'Balletto' and Supporter 'Opera e Concerti' and participates in General and Ensemble Trials, Ballet and Children's Shows at the Teatro Alla Scala.

The activities are pubblished on our website and on the bulletin boards of the Club House, and send them to members via email and social networks.

New ideas for courses of any kind are also welcome!


Following the decisions approved during the Ordinary Meeting, the composition of the Executive Committee is now as follows:


Adele Di Donato President
Iliyan Petrov Vicepresident 
Paola Giussani

Ana Marin Canet

Annalisa Masi Councillor
Corina Ciupagea Councillor
Valentina Vecchi Councillor
Riccardo Cattania Councillor
Paolo Negro


Registration to the CTA-CEI

Centro Turistico Acli-Club Europeo Ispra

According to the current regulations of the APS Associations, external activities, trips and trips, with the use of buses, cannot be organized without a regular license (except occasionally and no more than twice a year). After various consultations, an affiliation was made with a national CTA (ACLI Tourist Centre) as it is recognized as carrying out this type of activity in an associative form. In this way, all tax and legal regulations will be respected, guaranteeing members all the required insurance coverage.

To correctly manage according to the law of Legislative Decree 117/2017 and simplify the management of external activities, travel, exhibitions, visits, cultural tourism, excursions, etc., there is the



It will involve managing the activities under the CTAcli as an affiliated and recognized APS.

Members of the Ispra European Club who participate in External Activities must join the new "CTA European Ispra APS Club". This annual card, costing €15.00 for adults and €5.00 for children up to 6 years old, will be used for all mandatory insurance coverage required.

Our external activities (done only for cultural dissemination and socialization), even if always at a loss and with very low costs, produce an income that forces us to comply with the laws that regulate tourist-cultural activities. The legal responsibility is great.

Only in this way will it be possible to keep costs low and the members of the European Club Ispra will, as always, be able to benefit from the organization of a Non-Profit Association and the work of many volunteers. 



IBAN: IT96I0538750340000004196482


The CTA-CEI Committee

Name Function
Paola Giussani President
Maria Grazia Magistri Vice-President
Iliyan Petrov Treasurer
Adele Di Donato Councilor-CEI Representative
Annalisa Masi Councilor


Enrolment at the Club Europeo Ispra APS

To become member of the Club Europeo Ispra yuo have to create an account on the web site before

 Sign up

Subscription to Club Europeo Ispra APS only online

1.                      Registration to the site

An email will be sent to you to "Activate your account". You are now the "account holder".

You can add your family members (partner and children) to your account.

Important notes

You must read and carefully fill in which category you belong to:

Internal J.R.C.Statutory staff (officials, temporary agents, contractual agents) and non-statutory staff (grant holders, trainees, visiting scientists and seconded national experts) of the European Commission working at the JRC Ispra, their spouses and children; Staff Retired from the European Commission, their spouses and children. Statutory and non-statutory staff of the European Commission working at the JRC Ispra, their spouses and children; staff retired from the European Commission, their spouses and children. Staff of the European Commission working at the European School of Varese.

External J.R.C.:   Personnel with contracts not attributable to the European Commission who operate on the Ispra JRC site.

External:             All those not mentioned above.


2.                      Subscription to the Club Europeo

You can request registration: yours, a family member (partner and children) or all  at the CLUB EUROPEO ISPRA.

Complete the online form for you and/or your family. All the required fields in the online form must be completed.

The entry of incorrect data results in the refusal of the request.


3.                      Payment for the Subscription

You can proceed to payment by following the instructions only after receiving the confirmation email.


You will receive the Membership Card directly by email.


In order to participate in any course or activity you will have to be a registered member for year 2024-2025. The membership card is valid for one year (September to August).

For the 2024-2025  social year registrations can be made starting with:

·    August 1st, 2024 only online and by bank transfer following all the instructions that will be indicated in the emails. Do not forget to send the completed and signed registration form and a copy of the bank transfer by email: info@clubeuropeo.it

Membership renewals can be done only until the end of the year (15th December), after this date any application will be considered as a new enrolment.

For new external members (linked to the JRC or to the European School) who will apply for the club online there will be a waiting list, respecting the COPAS regulations.

Members must pay the annual membership fee agreed by the Management Committee.

The membership fee has been set at € 35,00 (from 6 years old) and € 5,00 (until 6 years old).

The membership card is regarded as proof of payment of the annual membership fee and permits the member to take part in all Club activities.

The club's activies follow the European School Varese Calendar.

Members of the Club share, accept and follow the rules established in the Statute and the Regulations.

It's recommended that members carry always their membership card during all activities.


In Collaboration with The European School Varese

Contact us

Club Europeo Ispra:

Via Esperia, c/o Club House CCR
21027 - Ispra (Varese)
Open for public:
Tuesday and Thursday 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 a.m.
(open according to the European School of Varese calendar)

Contact us:

+39 0332 785804
+39 335 6611627

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Language courses

  • Courses are open only to Club members. The membership fee cannot be reimbursed.
  • To attend language courses, you must subscribe to the language courses online.
  • We will fix a maximum number of students for each course, if the course reaches the maximum number of students permitted, you will be put on a waiting list.
  • Each enrollment fee for the Language Courses offers members the opportunity to take up to 3 courses, or to be on a waiting list if the preferred course is over-subscribed. You can see the list of the courses in your personal area under the Subscription to annual courses tab. You are kindly asked to sign up for the chosen courses.
  • Timetables and all information about the courses (start of lessons, changes time, classroom or other) can be found in the office, on the website and on the course board, outside our office on the left.
  • Fee for max 3 courses: € 25,00 INTERNAL - € 50,00 EXTERNAL

For information:  Valentina Vecchi - corsi@clubeuropeo.it


Kids courses

  • The Club organises courses for kids between ages 8 to 14 during the short days of the European School.
  • All the kids attending the courses need to be members of the Club.
  • The courses will take place at the Club House, from September to June, follow the Calendar of the European School in Varese.
    Every teacher will communicate directly to the members regarding possible variations to the schedule.
  • Timetables and all information about the courses (start of lessons, changes time, classroom or other) can be found in the office, on the website and on the club board, outside our office on the right.

*   For the children coming by bus from the European School in Varese you have to prepare a written delegation to Servizio Trasporti della SEV

    If the children are not collected by one of their parents, make a written empowerment to the Ispra European Club. 

** In order to avoid long queues and to respect the timetable the children will receive a meal at the Club House Restaurant, at a price of € 5,00

Information and Registration: www.clubeuropeo.it

For information: info@clubeuropeo.it


Other courses

  • The Club organises multiple courses that will be announced through our news.
  • Only members of the Club will be able to attend the courses and activities.
  • The request for membership to courses and activities needs to be done in the office or as indicated in the website.
  • Courses and activities will take place in the Club House, from October to June and follow the Calendar of the European School in Varese.
    Teachers will inform their students of any changes to their classes.
  • Timetables and all information about the courses (start of lessons, changes time, classroom or other) can be found in the office, on the website and on the Club board, outside our office on the right.

For information: info@clubeuropeo.it
